I've now noticed that just about half of my posts have been about pizza. I really don't eat just pizza, it's just the only note-worthy thing that I've made as of late.
This is Connie, my grilling buddy! (eating ice cream as part of our pizza-cookout. We had pizzas, ice cream, and iced tea. Delicious! Ice cream + iced tea.... try it sometime. : ))

Anyhow, grilling pizza's! Such a great concept. I'm still getting my style down. First time through, we put the pizza's on too early, when the flames were still sprouting up every once in a while. (and we didn't close the lid)

Second time turned out way successful!
Grilled PizzaIngredients:Pizza Dough1 cup pizza sauce
2 cup shredded cheese of choice (mozzarella)
1 cup toppings of choice (sauted mushrooms, sauted onions, diced tomato, hot and mild peppers, diced)
Instructions:1. Readying the grill: We used a one-time-use charcoal bag. In this case, light the bag in all 8 corners, leave the grill top open, and wait until all the coals have turned a dusty gray color, there is no more bag left, and there are no flames left (about 20 minutes).
2. While waiting for the coals to get ready, assemble the pizzas. The dough linked to should make 3 balls, which will each create 3-6" pizza's. Place 1/3 cup sauce on all the pizzas, spread evenly (but leave a crust area so when you transfer the pizzas to the grill it doesn't spill). To each pizza, add 2/3 cup cheese. On top of that, put 1/3 cup toppings on each pizza.
2. Spread coals evenly on bottom of the grill (using a stick). Very important, if you want the pizzas to cook evenly. Also, try to get the coals a low as possible in the grill.
3. Carefully pick up 4 sides of each pizza, and lay carefully on the grill. Once all the pizzas have been placed on the grill, close the grill lid and let cook for about 10 minutes.
4. Take pizza's off grill (we used a spatula like you'd use when making scrambled eggs). Enjoy!

Not only did we make regular grilled pizzas, we made zucchini grilled pizzas!
Grilled Zucchini PizzaAdapted from a
Kalyn's Kitchen recipeIngredients:A very fat zucchini (the fatter the better)
Pizza sauce
Instructions:1. Readying the grill: We used a one-time-use charcoal bag. In this case, light the bag in all 8 corners, leave the grill top open, and wait until all the coals have turned a dusty gray color, there is no more bag left, and there are no flames left (about 20 minutes).
2. While the coals heat, slice the zucchini into disks about 1/4" thick. Slice as many as you want mini-zucchini pizzas.
2. Spread coals evenly on bottom of the grill (using a stick). Important for getting the pizzas to cook evenly. Try to get the coals a low as possible in the grill.
3. Place your zucchini slices on the grill, close the lid, and grill for about 7 mins.
4. After 7 mins, take the zucchini slices off the grill onto a pizza-assembly platter. Place about 2 T. of sauce onto the grilled side of the pizza. Then put 3 T. Cheese on the sauce, and about 1-2 T of toppings on top of the cheese.
5. Carefully place the pizzas back onto the grill, close the lid, and cook for another 7 minutes.
6. Remove the pizzas from the grills (we used a spatula like you'd use when making scrambled eggs), eat, and enjoy!