So last night was a pot luck in commemoration of the birthdays of a couple club members. One of the birthday girls is grain-free, so this gave me an awesome excuse to explore into the grain-free sector of the food world! Flour-less cakes have been a huge fad for a while on the food blogs, I've just never been motivated to make them. This recipe turned out very well. It uses a lot of cacao powder which makes it very very filling. I made this a double batch, putting each in a separate round pan and then stacking them so it was a regular cake height and shape! Then I slathered the whole thing (including the middle) in a chocolate frosting recipe, which I will post later. : )

This is us doing our traditional food-hover, like vultures before tearing in.

Birthday girls cutting the cake!
Flour-less Grain free Chocolate CakeAdapted from
Associated ContentIngredients:4 eggs
2 T. butter
1/3 cup sugar
2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
pinch of salt
Instructions:1. Preheat oven to 350F.
2. Line the bottom of your round cake pan (8" diameter) with parchment paper. Try to make it cover as much of the bottom as possible.
1. Melt the butter. To that, add the eggs and beat.
2. Add sugar and salt, and mix well.
3. Add cocoa powder and mix until it is just fully incorporated.
4. Pour the batter into the pan, making sure to even out the batter across the bottom.
5. Place into the oven and bake for 20 minutes (or until a toothpick comes out clean). Check before 20 mins is up if your oven is particularly hot.